
star anise

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Star Anise Oleoresin

Price: $12.00

  • 100 ML 
  • 300 ML (+$16.00)
  • 500 ML (+$26.00)
  • 1000 ML (+$58.00)

Star anise (star anise)

Botanical name: Illicium verum

Origin: China

Parts used: dried fruit

The star anise (or aniseed) is a very nice spice native to China where it is popular in cooking. Its flavor is stronger and more peppery than anise. Very little is enough to flavor a dish. The star anise spiced pork, chicken, duck, rice and tea.

It is a component of the mixture called "five-spice".

The seeds also aromatize curry, stewed fruit, pastries and Indian home aniseed drinks (aperitifs, liqueurs)

Nature : Warm

Taste : spicy, sweet

Tropism : spleen, kidney

Energy properties

Warms the Spleen and Stomach, aids digestion, Tonifies Kidney Yang, Astringent

Used in our cooking, we must try to Indian and Chinese recipes to enjoy it. However, it is fun to add a star anise in the broth, which the pleasant flavor and makes them more digestible.

Storage: Store in cool and dark place, Keep away from heat and spark

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